Letter from the team

We are glad you made it here and discovered one of the most innovative and cost-effective digital tools for marketing targeted at the food and beverage industry worldwide. This idea began when our food broking business got numerous trade inquiries during the COVID lockdowns, and we could only address a small percentage of the requests. We understood the travel difficulties and escalating costs, and thought of making it easier for you.

Why not let the businesses help themselves through mutual discovery via a common platform? A permanent on line expo specifically for the food and beverage world ! This would cost less than 10% of conventional methods, be remotely accessible and would have multiple ways to interact.

Nearly two years later, here we are. The rest is up to you.

Do go ahead, and take the free trial, and learn how to use this platform to promote your company and your brands.

Need help ? It is easier for us if you register first, so we can give step by step help to creating your media, uploading it, and activating the advertisement. We will be marketing this platform along with the ads it contains, to our database of over 50,000 food businesses around the world. This is more cost effective than each company marketing their website. The power of the network is the number of people on it, so please go ahead and invite as many of your connections in the business as you can.

For paying clients, we have a cash back referral program too, so once you have a paid subscription, please contact us for more details.

Welcome to your digital marketing platform and we wish you much success.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates.