Get Started with your free trial

  1. Verify your email ID via a link to obtain your password and full site access.
  2. Login with your email and password and enter and save the ad content. We can help with this process, if you need.
  3. Proceed to secure payment. You can also select pay later, to pay offline instead of by card online.
  4. At any stage you can email us at to assist the ad creation and posting
  5. Ads can be edited, don't worry about mistakes. During the validity of the ad it can be edited by you frequently, unlike print ads.
  6. Multimedia ads are graphic ads and positioned in multiple locations of the website including the home page, by rotating all the multimedia ads daily. Also, there is separate section for all multimedia ads. Typically the multimedia ad will be in 3 or 4 places on the website on a given day.
  7. Classified ads are only visible in the classified section.